Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Liebster Award!

A break from my adventures with Sockie... More posts will be coming soon!

My lovely friend, Moriah, from Home on the Erie Canal, awarded my blog the Liebster Award! Thank you so much, Moriah! I am honoured to receive this. :)

here's how this award works:
+ thank the amazing blogger that nominated you
+ answer the 11 questions the nominator provided
+ nominate a few other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
+ post 11 different questions for your nominees to answer
+ contact your nominees to let them know that you've nominated them 

  1. What is your favorite kind of pencil?
    Any kind of crazy looking HB pencil. The crazier it is, the better.
  2. How long have you blogged?
    Umm.. My goodness, I don't know. I think for about a year now? Although I haven't done much with my other blog recently. I'm going to try to resurrect it soon.
  3. Do you like pickles?
    Do I like pickles? DO I LIKE PICKLES?? Um, yes!! I DO. A lot. They are one of my favourite foods. I love pickles. LOVE. THEM.
  4. Have you ever played on a wooden playground?
    Yes, I have. There were several I went to when I was younger. Some of my best memories were made at those wooden playgrounds. Unfortunately, they have been replaced by pathetic plastic ones... Something about safety.... Oi, people.
  5. What is your favorite flower?
    My favourite flower is the rose. I think most people say that. My second favourite is the hibiscus. I think that's probably more interesting than a rose. I just...like roses better. ;)
  6. Do you like to bike?
    YES. I spend most of my summers biking. Since I do not have my own car, my bike and the bus are my main forms of transportation. If it's warm out, I generally opt for my bike. It's relaxing and great exercise!
  7. How would you describe yourself in an 11 word sentence?
    I am a strange enigma and whiffle through the tulgey wood.
  8. What is the longest book you read?
    Uhh, oh my. I think it was one of the Twilight books, actually...heheh.
  9. Do you know any other languages other than English?
    I'm fluent in English - obviously - and American Sign Language. I know a bit of French, but I only understand it best when I'm reading it. It's been a while since I've studied it. I need to get back to that...
  10. What was the most hideous outfit combination you wore as a child?
    Hoo boy! Oh yes. I had this outfit that I actually wore a few times. It was this pair of shockingly bright, neon pink shorts, and this striped, greenish vomit coloured and faded orange, baggy shirt. I believe I was, ahem, colourblind at that point in my life.
  11. Are you afraid of heights?
    I am indeed. I don't mind airplanes and roller coasters, but put me on a ferris wheel and I will start panicking. I also am not a fan of bridges.
Oh my. Who should I nominate? I don't know very many people who blog.
I nominate:
Josh at The Daily Happenings
Rachel at Life, the Universe, and Everything: As Seen Through My Eyes

11 questions to come up with, eh? How about these?
  1. What...is your name? 
  2. What...is your quest?
  3. What...is your favourite colour? 
  4. What do you do with witches? 
  5. And what do you burn, apart from witches? 
  6. Now, why do witches burn? 
  7. So how do you tell whether she is made of wood? 
  8. But can you not also build bridges out of stone? 
  9. Does wood sink in water? 
  10. What else floats in water? 
  11. Do you know where these questions are from? ;)
Thank you again, Moriah! Sockie and I feel very loved. :)

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