Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Attic Of Oddities

Yesterday, we had a mild break from the cold, so I took Sockie outside and we decided to explore the garage attic. It was actually quite warm in there and very nice. There were so many interesting things to discover!

First, Sockie and I found some dead wasps. Some of them looked quite intimidating with their stingers still attached to their little yellow and black bodies...

Next, we found an interesting superhero...I do believe we have found the ultimate hero, ready for anything that comes her way. ;)

Sockie then found my old banana seat bike hanging from the ceiling. Ah, I used to adore that old bike.

Sockie and I found one of our sleds and a really pretty lamp. That sled reminds me that I still haven't gone sledding this winter. Oh, busy schedules...

More sleds! Unfortunately, these don't glide as well as our other sleds. These work better on ice.

Awww, Sockie looked adorable in our old little wagon. What a cute monkey he is!

Next, I discovered my old rocking camel that my grandpa made for me when I was very young. It's a tad dark back there, but Sockie didn't mind.

And what kind of monkey would Sockie be if he didn't swing from the rafters?

 After all of that, Sockie was an awfully dusty monkey, so I cleaned him up.

Ah, attics. Lovely places to explore! 

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