Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Sunday Bike Ride

This past Sunday, Sockie and I went on a long bike ride along the Erie canal with my friend, Levi. It was exhausting, but still very fun! The path was pretty, the air was warm, the sun was shining, and it was absolutely perfect.

Levi befriended a kitty! It's the canal cat. ;)

A train track at one of our rest break points. I really love train tracks.

A railroad crossing! The train tracks ran along the path for a long while.

I stopped at this spot for a second to take a breather. It was a very serene little scene here!

We stopped a ways out and had a snack before we turned around and headed back. The sun was starting to get lower in the sky by then.

Sockie sat on a post and waited as we finished our munchies.

The trail ahead! It's a shame the sun was starting to set. I wanted to keep going.

We started the long trek back after we ate. I really wanted to take a picture of this plant along the way. It looked so cool!

A trail marker of a part of the path. We went a long ways!

In the end, I did some calculations and figured that we had gone about 36.2 miles. That's a long bike ride! Sockie was lucky that he couldn't bike. He got the easy part. ;)

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